Tactical Sports Performance

The training program applies a performance based approach that teaches how the brain and body learn and adapt to adverse situations. The military, more specifically Special Force units are turning their focus on training their minds through Neuro-Science. By understanding how the mind and body works we can than better support athletes on applying effective mental skills to be able to respond optimally to high levels of stress. In this session there will be a review of a mental toughness program used by Special Force units, and information about Special OPS tactics . How Special Forces train their brains to be fearless and to succeed in a combat environment. Players will learn how to regulate their emotional response to fear and to take better command during critical moments.

The five core areas of the Performance Based Model:

  • Attention Control
  • Visualization
  • Goal-Setting
  • Energy-Management
  • Confident

Conditioning the mind is just as important as conditioning the body!
Sport Psychology provides athletes with scientifically proven techniques to enhance their mental game. This gives them more opportunities to play in the ‘Zone’.


Mentally Train Like A Warrior